Effective Ways To Use Weekly Prayers For Inspiration And Motivation

For some people, prayer can seem repetitious or even monotonous at times. This is due to the fact that people may pray for the same things or not even know how to pray effectively. One way to enhance your prayer life is through the use of weekly prayers you can search for online or write yourself.

Write a prayer in your planner

Writing out your weekly prayer in your planner has several benefits. It keeps your prayer handy when you need it, such as when you are at work or school. Having your prayer in your planner keeps it private and makes it easy to access when you are feeling discouraged and need inspiration.

Keep your prayer by your bed

Consider purchasing a frame to hold your weekly prayer to display on a nightstand or dresser. Each week you can simply print out your prayer and slip it into the frame. You will feel inspired as you see your special weekly prayer when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

Post a family prayer on the refrigerator

If you have children or live with others, you can choose a family prayer to focus on each week. This is a fun way to help kids develop a prayer life. It is a perfect activity to help create family bonding time, as you can all discuss which weekly prayer to choose for your focus each week.

You may also wish to have each family member select or write their own weekly prayer to share with others. Post each family member's prayer on the refrigerator or on a corkboard to remind them to focus on their prayer each morning before they head off to school and work.

Memorize your weekly prayer

Having a weekly prayer to focus on each day will make it easy to commit the prayer to memory. This is also a fun way to get your family to interact with one another. You can take turns reciting your weekly prayer to other family members to see who was successful at remembering their prayer.

Developing a habit of using specific prayers for your week is a great way to enhance your prayer life. Reading your prayer daily will get your day off to a good start and can be helpful when you are seeking guidance for decisions you need to make. A weekly prayer will help you focus on something positive and will inspire and encourage you as you go about your work and home routine.

For more advice on incorporating weekly prayer into your life, contact a spiritual and religious aide such as Ami Loper.
